Help On Line

This function provides help for browsing the website.
The help applies to the page or current section and therefore is contextual.
For example, help is available for all the possible actions of the public homepage of the website that you are reading now.

The short version of the Cookie Policy appears when the portal opens.

  1. Click on Ok to close it.
  2. You can read the complete version of the Cookie Policy by clicking on More information.

  1. The current language is shown on the top right. Point to the name of the language or flag to change the language.
  2. Click on the button by the side to open the online help of the current page/section.
  3. Click on the Technical Information for Genuine Specialists logo on any page to go back to the public homepage from anywhere in the website.
  4. The side menu is the pivot of the website: click on an item and read the corresponding online help for details on each function.
  5. A red button with an arrow appears under the main menu, on the right: this is the user menu.
  6. A red text bar may appear by the side: it contains the hot news of the day.
  7. A second red button with a shopping cart is present under the user menu on the right. This is used to complete a purchase.

Click on the user menu to open the interface for:

  1. Login as registered user
  2. Register as new user

The latest vehicle launched on the market by FCA is visible in the middle of the homepage.

Six icons are positioned around it to access information on Genuine RMI packages:

  1. Genuine Service
  2. Genuine Catalogues
  3. Genuine Diagnostics
  4. Genuine Training
  5. Genuine Tools
  6. Genuine Parts

The lower part of the page is occupied by advertising on FCA partners.

A quick connection to the following areas is found on the right:

  1. System requirements for correct use of the website
  2. Public news
  3. Public notes
  4. User manual which can be downloaded and printed

The page footer contains information on intellectual property (8) and other legal notes (9) on the website.